Monday, April 23, 2018

Channel 4: collaborative work

Hello friends!

Today I want to explain you a great chance. Teachppy told me that, nowadays, the teacher job can´t be an individual work. It is very important the open doors at school and the development of projects and activities together than other coworkers, even with the involvement of all the educative community.

Thanks to my current Master degree at University, I have known great teachers and better people. We have created a group of five to create an innovational educational project. We are from different school and I believe that each of us can contribute with a lot of ideas from different points of view.  

I want to introduce you my team. I will add their professional blogs:

We wanted a great challenge… we wanted something new… we wanted a different way to teach… and we found it! A video project as a TV news!

Team work is exciting, but not always easy. We had the main idea, TV news, but it is important to create a communicative situation with all the members of the group to share ideas, opinions and a way of action. When we got it, we wanted to create a lesson plan.

In this project, the lesson plan included a drafter about the TV program. We created a serious lesson plan to involve all the educative topics to considerer into a clil lesson. Moreover we included all of the speech of the recording and the role of each of one:

- Soraya: editor / TV presenter.
- Lorena: drafter / nature journalist speaking about a natural disaster.
- Jenny: drafter / journalist in London speaking about the brexit.
- Silvana: community manager / journalist from UK speaking about Saint George.
- Dani: recorder / sport journalist speaking about new sports.

In addition, we wanted to interact with the students and start an activity for them. For that, at the end of each journalist performance we will ask the students several questions on which they have to work. To answer them they will have to create an oral presentation with digital tool. We will work as a cross curricular project through Literacy, Natural Science, Social Science and PE

We have shared the document in a Google Drive to facilitate our collaborative work.

So, once we finished the document, we are prepared to record… we can do it? I will continue telling you in another post on this blog.

Don´t worry… teaching is collaborative work.
Don´t worry… teach happy.

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