Thursday, May 3, 2018

The final project... is not and end.

Every good story has a great finish. Teachppy and I started this subject and this blog in February, and we have tried to make this learning journal as well as possible. We have put all our effort and love in each task. We have invested much time to get educational tools which can assist and encourage our students. We are very proud with everything we have learned about Information and Communication Technology.

Some of the tools that we have learned to develop this year, now I am using in my classes. For example, the daily routine activity created using Genially; Pinterest to organize my digital resources and Easelly to create infography. Moreover, I am considering developing other projects such as eTwinning, training through AprendeIntef and to acquire and improve the Portfolio of teacher´s digital competence. Also I discover other digital resources with my classmates, as ClassDojo or Edmodo. I am considering all the tools for my future as a teacher. 

During this subject, my favorite activity was the video project, it was really hard and we have to spend a lot of time, but it was fun and very productive. Thanks to this task I could work as a team, discover the Future classroom lab of the Ministry of Education, using a chroma and create a video project. 

Now, I want to introduce you the final artifact. I tried to summarize all the digital projects that I made during five months. My first idea was to use iMovie, but then I thank that it was a chance to discover another app, and I used Powtoon. It was a great discovery, because the offer you a lot of options: backgrounds, shapes, scenes, texts, characters, props and media. It is a very intuitive webpage, but you have to spend lot of time to do a good job! Finally, I put the video in my Youtube channel, because is better to watching. This is my final video, I hope you enjoy it!

I really enjoyed doing this final project, because I´ve remembered all the tasks and I have seen that the time and effort invested gives good rewards: educative resources, be part of teacher´s network and meet enjoyable classmates. I am very grateful to my ICT teacher and all the chances and challenges to learn about how to use ICT at school. 

Now, fortunately, I feel that I am closer to being a good 21st Century teacher. 
This is not an end, this is a to be continue…. 

Don´t worry... teach happy.

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