Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Great challenge: planet Earth!

Hello friends!

Usually, I teach to first and second graders. After than this Spring break I will face a great challenge: to teach a project to fourth grade. Our school promotes this kind of teacher exchanges to increase the teaching and learning process.

Teachppy and I are very exited! It is a Social Science project about the planet Earth. To introduce the project, Teachppy recommended me to create an infographic.

Thanks to the infographic, I will be able to show our new students the content they will learn during our lessons. I will be able to do it in an original, attractive and motivating way. Also, it will be a script using in the sessions. I am sure that I am going to capture the attention of the students, and that is a great start!

An infographic is a visual way of representing and transmitting knowledge. To create an infographic is to prepare a image through the computer with pictures, texts, graphics or links. It serves to learn the most important content, to process the information better, to support the visual thinking and to make the teaching and learning process more visible.

In this case, I used the webpage Easelly. It is a very useful and easy webpage. First of all you have to create your own account, of course, it is free! Then, they offer you a lot of templates to use as an image background. On the top of you new creation, you will find a menu in wich you can select the different options such as shapes, lines, text and options to adapt the kind of letter, objects and media (where you can keep your own photos and videos). Of course, you have the basic menu including the save option. Also, it is very easy to share and embed.

From my point of view and my own experience, this is a very intuitive app to create infographics. It is very easy to use. But, in fact, you should spend a lot of time to design your perfect infographic! I recommended you to draw a draft in papper before use the computer to compose you ideas. 

Don´t worry... use infographics!
Don´t worry... teach happy!

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